These are set and enforced by the moderators.
This is a serious "ET" discussion server.
Constructive criticism is welcome, but otherwise discouraged.
The "Fore Model" is the subject of research.
No illegal content, e.g. child pornography, solicitation of illegal services, etc…
No posts or links featuring sexualized depictions of minors, whether photographic, written, drawn or animated.
No pornography featuring depictions of rape or non-consensual violence.
All other pornographic or erotic content, whether photographic, written, drawn or animated, must be labeled as sensitive content.
No racism.
No posting of malicious links or spam.
No encouragement or promotion of self-harm.
No accounts that impersonate anyone else unless clearly marked as such for the purpose of parody.
No Hate Speech. Hate speech is defined as derogatory posts or links targeting any individual or group based on race, mental or physical disability, religion, gender identity, sex, nationality, age, class or sexual orientation.
Discussion/Analysis of the dark-side of Psi and the "ET"/"UT" is perfectly acceptable.
Do not share intentionally false or misleading information
No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
Depictions, photos, witness reports and information pertaining to "ET", "UT" and "Woo" related topics will be treated in a documentary manner; minimal to no moderation unless the information is false.